Hello Everyone
Welcome to my personal web site and app.
My name is Don Stegall
I will be sharing these things and more here
- links to my web sites as I bring old and new ones online
- magazine articles I've written
- videos I've made and new ones as I get them recorded and produced
- who knows what else
Thanks for visiting.
Updates are in progress during the week of August 11, 2024 - please pardon the mess - I didn't have time to slipstream this - Web Version
This web site should look about the same as last week, but with a new color for the sidebar menus .. there are a lot of new features and content that will be getting released over the next few week .. please have a look on your phones and computers and let me know how it looks to you.
One major fix is that there was a page and web site timeout problem, especially on mobile devices .. that should be fixed now and you shouldn't have to Reload pages .. the same tech is being used in a lot of other web apps and mobile apps .. so reports of any problems, successes, suggestions, etc are highly welcomed Please go to Contact Me page for my primary contact information.
This web app is running on Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.20348.0 using WebAssembly